B2B sales prospecting: our agency generates qualified leads & appointments, so you can concentrate on selling.

Are you looking to accelerate your business development while remaining profitable? Choose an offer and delegate your prospecting to our experts for guaranteed tunkey results .

automated prospecting on linkedin
automated prospecting on linkedin

+10,000 leads and appointments generated for nearly 300 B2B companies of all sizes, both local and international, including :

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We generate an average of 5 to 20 qualified leads and high-potential appointments per month per user.

Group 33593

How does it work ?

We’ve taken our LeadIn® technology two steps further by taking care of the planning, implementation and execution of your B2B sales prospecting campaigns.

Our teams use social selling on LinkedIn as well as multi-channel email to engage, track and follow up your ideal prospects until they generate high-potential sales conversations and appointments directly in your calendar.

We fill your pipeline with new opportunities

Let us execute as many touch points as possible between you and your ideal prospects, leading them directly into your sales tunnels.

Take the guesswork out of prospecting, put an end to cold calls and let your sales reps focus their efforts on prospects who have already pre-qualified for your offers!

Overbooked agenda

5 steps to put your prospecting into orbit

Choose your offer on our website and let us guide you to the launch. You’ll meet your dedicated account manager, who will start your prospecting campaigns within 7 days, engaging on your behalf your future customers.

1. Choose a prospecting pack on our website and register online

2. You access the boarding questionnaire

3. You schedule your launch call (D+7)

4. You validate campaign elements (KPI, targeting, strategy, copywriting)

5. We connect your accounts to our platforms and start your prospecting campaigns

All the power of an expert business developer:
less cost, training and risk.

Choose the offer that matches your needs, fill in the questionnaire and let us guide you through to launch.
Within 7 days, your dedicated account manager will start prospecting your potential future customers.

Single-channel prospecting :
LinkedIn OR email 🎯
Estimated: 3 to 10 new qualified leads and appointments per month (average)
NOW: Black Friday special offers (additional 30% off for 3 months) 🔥🔥
Multi-channel prospecting :
LinkedIn AND email 🏆
Estimated: 5 to 20 new leads and qualified appointments per month (average)
on LinkedIn 🔥
From €320 to €400 per month

500 targets contacted per month via LinkedIn

Estimated results (average ): 3 to 10 new leads and qualified appointments per month

Machine for
cold email 🔑
From €320 to €400 per month

500 prospects contacted per month by e-mail

Estimated results (average ): 3 to 10 new leads and qualified appointments per month

Multi-channel prospecting :
LinkedIn AND email 🏆
Up to 12 contact points for each prospect via LinkedIn AND email
Sales Pro 📈
480€ to 600€ per month*

500 prospects contacted per month via LinkedIn + email

Estimated results (average ): 5 to 15 new leads and qualified appointments per month

Sales Pro+ 🚀
From €640 to €800 per month

1,000 prospects contacted per month via LinkedIn + email

Estimated results (average ): 10 to 25 new leads and qualified appointments per month

Single-channel prospecting: LinkedIn OR Email 🎯
From €320 to €400 per month*

500 prospects contacted per month

Estimated results (average ): 3 to 10 new leads and qualified appointments per month

Multichannel prospecting: LinkedIn AND Email 📈
From €560 to €700 per month*

500 prospects contacted per month

Estimated results (average ): 5 to 15 new leads and qualified appointments per month

Multichannel+ prospecting: LinkedIn AND Email 🚀
From €960 to €1,200 per month*

1,000 prospects contacted per month

Estimated results (average ): 10 to 25 new leads and qualified appointments per month

*Discounts available from -10% to -20% for quarterly and half-yearly subscriptions.
Currently: special offers for multi-user teams (for every 2 packs purchased = 1 offered).

Frequently asked questions about our prospecting offers

You have a question ? We’ve probably answered it already below!

How many qualified leads & appointments can I expect per month?

All our packs generate an average of 2 to 5% qualified leads & appointments per month, depending on the number of responses obtained via LinkedIn and/or email, beyond the 1st month (it’s normal to observe a certain inertia in optimizing actions from the 2nd month onwards).

On average, we generate 5 to 20 qualified leads and high-potential appointments per month and per user!

This makes our services the most competitive cost/acquisition ratio of new B2B appointments on the market.

What does social selling and multi-channel mean, and why is it effective?

Social selling: we call social selling any business development action initiated on social networks (= LinkedIn in B2B).

“Multichannel: Depending on the package you choose, our teams combine the power of the most targeted B2B data (LinkedIn + complementary sources), the sending of prospecting messages on LinkedIn, and the execution of visit, subscription and complementary contact actions on the professional email of your ideal prospects, in order to generate the maximum number of new opportunities for you. We use the most effective data and prospecting techniques from over 1,000 multi-channel social selling campaigns (LinkedIn + email) to ensure maximum results, as quickly as possible.

How can you reach so many targets per month?

Although monitoring and optimizing performance are part of the process, a certain volume of prospecting engagement is essential for maximum results. To do this, we use our technology, designed to bypass the limitations of LinkedIn, but also to deliver hundreds of emails a day with 100% deliverability, to reach more and more targets as quickly as possible; all while making your brand image a priority. In other words, our technology is designed to enable us to intelligently alternate between automated and human actions. Whatever the volume of monthly prospecting, we always prioritize a personalized individual commitment of quality; all in the image of a 100% manual prospecting.

Is the subscription per user?

1 subscription = 1 user!

You can repeat the pack choice and boarding procedure several times by specifying in our form that the accounts will be linked.

Special multi-account offers: Take advantage of additional special offers for teams with each of our prospecting packs: 2 subscriptions purchased = 1 subscription offered!

When all accounts are connected to our platform, we will give you access to a “company” level so that you and/or your team can consult all of your active prospecting accounts.

A question ? Write to us via the chat or at info@darkseagreen-finch-754851.hostingersite.com to find out more!

What guidance and support is offered?

Our customer success team is available every day via chat from our platform to answer your questions with an average response time of around 5 – 10 minutes.

You’ll also have access to your account manager’s business contact details, so you can keep track of what’s been done and schedule follow-up meetings whenever you like!

Are you using my profile or my company page?

All our social selling actions on LinkedIn come from our customers’ personal accounts, within the limits of the actions predefined with your account manager on a regular basis. There’s no risk to your account, as you can continue to use it as normal, in parallel with our actions.

Our customers usually forward us their personal account, or a LinkedIn account created for the occasion. We cannot use company page accounts, for the simple reason that it is not possible to send messages from them. What’s more, it would be completely impersonal…

Do you use our corporate email accounts?

For each new customer, our team buys several new domain names and email accounts, which we pre-heat for use in your prospecting campaigns.

We then connect these accounts to our technology, which allows us to use them in turn to guarantee near 100% deliverability without ever going to spam, even with several thousand prospecting emails sent per month.

There is no risk to the reputation of your main corporate domain name, because we prospect on outsourced domain names and redirect the generated leads to you!

I don't need to target as many companies because I'm targeting specific companies (ABM). Is this compatible?

Yes ! Whatever your product or service offer, or your strategy (prospects and/or priority companies, volume, “account based marketing”…) we develop engagement scenarios based on data from +1000 campaigns.
Your campaigns are 100% tailor-made to your company, both in the flow of actions and in the writing and sending of messages and emails.

Why should I choose LeadIn over other providers?

We have structured ourselves over time to combine quality prospecting, support, training and advice at an unbeatable price. This experience (+1,200 prospecting campaigns) has enabled us to understand what really works for our customers, in most B2B sectors and industries. Our services are 100% non-binding and our only objective is to bring you the maximum results, as quickly as possible!

Will you go so far as to take care of the answers and appointments for me?

It depends. After numerous trials over the past few years, we have not identified a better client investment ⇄ campaign effectiveness ratio (number of leads and appointments generated) than when the client manages the responses of his leads himself.

And there are actually several benefits to this:
• an accelerated launch procedure in less than 8 days for each new customer
– you/your team can exploit each response to its full potential (always more effective than an outsourced business developer new to your offerings)
• the consistency of having followed the exchanges with your prospects before the appointments for a better conversion… towards obtaining more results and signing new opportunities.

LeadIn is the partner you've always been looking for

Ready to generate qualified leads and appointments for your offers with our outsourced services?
Book a discovery call with our team and see for yourself!

+ 700M

Number of professionals around the world that we can target for our clients


Our clients have a ROI of 5-10 in the first year with LeadIn 45% more Opportunities compared to any


More opportunities compared to any other traditional prospecting technique

What they say about our prospecting services

Outsource your sales prospecting :
Advantages and disadvantages

the The decision to outsource or retain control of your sales prospecting efforts is based on a rigorous trade-off between the advantages and disadvantages of both options. As you will see, it is sometimes difficult to decide, since the decision-maker has to take objective criteria into account. (profitability, performance) and subjective (resistance to change, fear of losing control…) :

The advantages of outsourcing sales prospecting

If you outsource your sales prospecting process in the best possible way, you'll benefit from the following advantages:

The expertise and experience of a service provider specialized in sales prospecting ;

→ The company can refocus on its core business (product development, launching a new range, after-sales service, customer loyalty...), but also give more time to strategic thinking;

→ In some cases, outsourcing can help optimize the cost of the sales function;

The commercial profile is today a scarce and expensive resource, especially in France. According to figures from recruitment firm Michael Page, France is short of more than 200,000 sales profiles. The outsourcing of sales prospecting is therefore an appropriate response to this shortage;

→ A degree of organizational and contractual flexibility, insofar as the company can choose whether or not to renew its contract with its service provider, depending on the results obtained... which is not necessarily the case in a traditional permanent contractual framework, where dismissal can prove costly.

The disadvantages of outsourcing sales prospecting

These are more warnings than drawbacks:

→ Outsourcing sales prospecting can lead to a misalignment between the marketing team and the external service provider's sales people. As a result, branding, content marketing and customer service don't play their part in supporting sales activity;

The phase of drawing up the contract and/or specifications must be rigorous, precise and well-executed. This is the sine qua non for outsourcing that is in line with the company's expectations;

→ A possible lack of agility in the sales function. In concrete terms, any change in strategy emanating from top management will require a longer adaptation time for the service provider, compared with in-house teams;

Possible "resistance to change" on the part of decision-makers in the sales function and/or salespeople in the event of a hybrid team (internal and external) ;

A fear of "losing control" by entrusting prospecting, a decisive process for competitiveness and growth, to a third-party service provider.

A question ? Don't worry, our team is here to help you!

Need advice on your project?

Would you like to know more about our B2B prospecting expert services by talking to us?
Book an appointment with our sales team to define the most effective collaboration.